It is great to hear about summer again. It is really weird though because all these things you told me happened last year--with variation of course-- but this is the the last summer you are going to tell me about. Things only happen twice in a mission. I am trying not to keep track of time and just work as hard as I can and continue progressing as fast as I can to serve well where I am.
This week I am disappointed/happy with how we have done in achieving our goals. On one side we did not achieve all of our goals in bringing others to Christ (key indicators/numbers). But I tried to work really hard and achieved a lot of my personal development goals. It teaches in preach my gospel something along the lines of, "a successful missionary is not ONLY measured on the number of people baptized[or found or at church or whatever], but rather their commitment to their goals and their dedication to the work" the problem is the ONLY. It is part of it though and I don't feel like it is being accomplished in the way it should. We are progressing a long and it is harder because we are restarting the area but those are just excuses. Any excuse no matter how valid, lessens your credibility. This week will be better.
I am about out of words, but one more thing you can do for me is pray for missionary opportunities of your own every day. Something will come up, for sure. It will probably require you to be bold. But something will come, always. I have seen that.
Love you guys lots. Have a tremendous day!

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